Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) FAQs

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​When preparing your application please ensure you refer to the program applicant guidelines and other related information for each of the TRA skills assessment programs.

How much will an assessment cost?

Information on the fees for the TSS Assessment Program is available on the Fees page for the TSS Assessment Program and in the TSS Applicant Guidelines.

What occupation do I nominate?

TRA cannot advise you on the right occupation for your application. You must nominate the occupation for which you wish to be assessed based on your skills and experience.

When nominating your occupation, please refer to the ANZSCO occupations listed on the Short-term Skilled Occupation Lists (STSOL) or Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills Lists (MLTSSL) available on the Department of Home Affairs website.

A search of the ANZSCO occupation descriptions, located here, may help you decide the occupation you would like to be assessed against and for which you can meet TRA's skills assessment criteria.

Applications without a nominated occupation or that nominate an occupation that TRA does not assess cannot be processed by TRA.

My occupation and passport country or Special Administrative Region (SAR) are not on the list for the TSS Skills Assessment Program. What should I do?

If you do not hold a passport from one of the nominated countries or SARs and/or are not seeking a skills assessment in one of the nominated occupations you may not be required to undertake a skills assessment as part of your TSS visa application.

You should confirm the requirements for your visa application with the Department of Home Affairs.

How long will it take to process my TSS skills assessment?

The RTO you select to conduct your skills assessment will advise you how long the process will take. Typically, an assessment may be completed within nine weeks from the date you submit the required documentary evidence to the RTO.

Further information on the process for the TSS Skills Assessment Program is available in the applicant guidelines available on the TRA website.

How do I locate a registered training organisation (RTO) that can conduct a skills assessment for my occupation?

TRA has approved a number of RTOs to conduct skills assessment services in a range of occupations and locations around the world. Please visit the RTO Finder to identify the RTOs available to conduct your assessment, and their contact details.

How do I obtain an occupational licence in Australia?

Australia has strict safety standards and licensing requirements for licensed occupations. While Trades Recognition Australia (and TRA-approved registered training organisations) are responsible for assessing the skills of migrants to ensure they have the skills required to operate in their occupation in Australia, occupational licensing is the responsibility of the relevant state or territory licensing authority. Often the requirements for licensing include a period of employment experience and obtaining Australian-specific knowledge of the relevant occupation within the Australian environment.

If you receive a successful skills assessment for a licensed occupation from a TRA-approved RTO you will be issued an Offshore Technical Skills Record (OTSR). The OTSR recognises your technical skills, but also acknowledges that you have yet to apply your skills in the Australian environment.

An OTSR allows you to apply for a provisional licence from an Australian state or territory licensing regulator upon arrival in Australia. This is subject to meeting other non-skills requirements. An OTSR enables you to work under supervision while you address any Australian-specific knowledge and gaps in your employment experience. This is subject to meeting other non-skills requirements.

Please visit the Licensing page for further information.

Do I need an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test?

Under the TSS Skills Assessment Program an IELTS test is not a requirement, however you will be required to undertake a technical assessment in English without assistance. This may also include a practical demonstration.

For information about English language requirements and your visa application, please contact the Department of Home Affairs (Home Affairs).

Will my work experiences and qualifications be recognised?

TRA is unable to provide advice about work experiences and the likely comparability of a specific qualification to the relevant Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualification, without conducting a comprehensive assessment.

Skills assessments are conducted by TRA-approved Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), the RTO you select will take into consideration all the necessary information and evidence that you have provided.

Please follow the Program Applicant Guidelines to ensure you provide a decision ready application.