New Fees for the Job Ready Program

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On 1 September 2021 

Application fees for skills assessments provided by Trade Recognition Australia for the Job Ready Program (JRP) will change as follows:

Assessment Step

Fee ($AUD)

Step 1 - Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA)


PSA Review (if required)


Step 2 - Job Ready Employment (JRE)


Step 3 - Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA)


JRWA Reassessment (if required)


Step 4 - Job Ready Final Assessment


The new fees will apply to all new applicants and current JRP participants from 1 September 2021.

This means, a participant currently in any step of the program will pay the new fees for the following step from 1 September 2021. For example:

  • Participants who have completed the Provisional Skills Assessment (Step 1) will pay the new fee for Job Ready Employment (Step 2)
  • Participants in Step 2 will pay the new fee for the Job Ready Workplace Assessment (Step 3)
  • Participants who have completed Step 3 will pay the new fee for the Job Ready Final Assessment (Step 4).