4.1 Roles and responsibilities

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4.1.1    Participants

As an applicant to the JRP program, you must:

  • accurately and honestly complete the required skills assessment application and declaration requirements
  • provide authentic and current evidence to TRA to enable the skills assessment to be conducted
  • ensure the application submitted to TRA is complete and decision ready.
  • agree to receive direct contact with TRA
  • update information in a timely manner
  • actively participate in the program and ensure you complete the whole program within 3 years.

4.1.2    Employers and supervisors

The employer/supervisor must:

  • understand that TRA may contact an employer to confirm information provided in an online application, an Employment Verification Report (EVR) and/or Skills Progress Report (SPR) and will require a contact telephone number for every person listed in application documents. Before contacting the employer, TRA will independently verify that the number is linked to the organisation where the applicant is employed. See section 3.1.10 for further information on the verification process
  • complete and sign an EVR
  • understand that TRA or a TRA appointed RTO may contact them to arrange a visit to the workplace by either a JRP officer or a TRA nominated representative, and that a workplace assessment may be conducted at the business premises
  • have sufficient industry knowledge and experience to supervise a JRP participant and confirm their skills in the nominated occupation
  • provide a JRP participant with an appropriate work environment and the tools and equipment to complete appropriate tasks and duties to enable the participant to demonstrate a broad range of skills in their nominated occupation
  • confirm and sign SPRs
  • understand that any personal information provided may be used only as allowed by the Privacy Act 1988 (See Clause 3.3)
  • allow staff authorised by the Department and TRA‐approved workplace assessors to access the workplace.

4.1.3    Job Ready Program staff

JRP staff are responsible for:

  • reviewing JRP employment arrangements, which may include a phone call or site visit to the workplace
  • advising participants, employers and supervisors about their responsibilities with the JRP
  • reviewing participant work hours and progression of skill development
  • coordinating assessment arrangements with TRA‐approved workplace assessors
  • responding to enquiries from prospective applicants, participants, employer/s and other people
  • issuing skills assessment outcomes as determined by TRA
  • adhering to the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct.

4.1.4    TRA‐approved Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

TRA‐approved RTOs are responsible for:

  • meeting all the requirements identified in their service deeds with TRA
  • meeting obligations for registration as an RTO
  • ensuring the work site is safe to conduct a workplace assessment
  • conducting a workplace assessment
  • reporting workplace assessment outcomes to TRA
  • liaising with TRA, participants and employers as required.

4.1.5    Trades Recognition Australia

TRA is responsible for:

  • managing the objectives of the program
  • providing up‐to‐date information about program processes and procedures
  • contract management and monitoring of TRA‐approved RTOs
  • responding to enquiries about the program
  • budget and policy management
  • developing and maintaining an appropriate IT system to support the program
  • liaising with Home Affairs and other key stakeholders as necessary
  • managing complaints and reviews as required
  • managing evaluations of the program
  • undertaking compliance and investigative measures as required.