2.1 Fees

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2.1 Fee Schedule

Assessment Service Fee        
Job Ready Employment $490      
Job Ready Workplace Assessment* $2,845  
Subsequent Job Ready Workplace Assessment (if required) $2,845  
Job Ready Final Assessment $75        

The fees TRA charges are specified in a legislative instrument made under sub regulation 5.40(1) of the Migration Regulations 1994 (See: Migration (Fees for assessment of qualifications and experience) Instrument (LIN 23/002) 2023 (legislation.gov.au)).

Fees are subject to change. TRA will give reasonable notice of any proposed fee increases. Notices regarding proposed fee changes will be published on the TRA website and in the relevant program guidelines.

Payments must be made when you complete the online application and can only be made with a Visa or MasterCard credit/debit card. All fees are payable in Australian dollars, and instructions on how to pay are provided when you apply for each step of the program.

After payment, an email containing the receipt will be sent automatically to the email address you (or your agent if applicable), provided in your application. It is important to keep the email receipt as evidence of payment. 

2.2        Fee refunds

The circumstances in which TRA will refund a payment are detailed in the TRA Fees Payment and Refund Policy on the TRA website www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au.

Having considered this policy, if you wish to request a refund, you must complete and submit a TRA Refund Request Form available from the Forms & Policy section on the TRA website.