The JRE is the first step of the JRP. During this step TRA will:
- Confirm your eligibility for the JRP,
- Confirm the suitability of your employment arrangements,
- Confirm any claim for Prior Employment (PE) that you have made in your application, and
- Support you until you are ready for the Job Ready Program Workplace Assessment step.
The JRE step takes at least 6 months (full-time equivalent employment) from your JRE Start Date. During this step you continue to develop your skills and ability to work in an Australian workplace.
3.1.1 JRE Application and Eligibility
To apply for the JRE, and to ensure you are well placed to successfully complete the program, you must:
- have a successful PSA (or JRPRE) for your nominated occupation
- have a current passport
- submit your JRE application within your PSA (or JRPRE) valid period*
- nominate an occupation on the skilled occupation list where TRA is the relevant skills assessing authority
- be employed and your employment arrangement must:
- provide sufficient opportunities for you to develop the required skills
- be verifiable by TRA
* Your PSA (or JRPRE) outcome is valid for 3 years from date of issue. If your PSA has expired and you would like to apply for the JRP, you will need to submit a new PSA application. (The PSA Guidelines are available here).
At the time you apply you must meet all JRE eligibility requirements and make sure you do not submit false or misleading information.
TRA will not refund fees where an applicant does not meet program eligibility requirements (see Section 3.3 of the TRA Fees Payment and Refund Policy).
3.1.2 JRE application documents
Your JRE application documents must include:
- a Employment Verification Report (EVR) and three weeks of pay evidence, for each employer registered in your application. The EVR must be the current version available on the TRA website. The EVR must be completed, signed, and dated by your employer and/or nominated supervisor.
- three weeks of pay evidence. At minimum, this must include evidence that covers the start date of your prior employment claim period and your most recent payslip or other acceptable pay evidence. (See section 3.1.12 for acceptable pay evidence.)
- a copy of your current passport if it is different from the one submitted with your PSA application
- evidence of name changes to address any naming inconsistencies in any documents submitted.
3.1.3 Employment Verification Report (EVR)
For each employer you register in the JRP, you must provide an Employment Verification Report (EVR) and three weeks of pay evidence.
An EVR is used by TRA to clarify and confirm your employment arrangements. The EVR outlines the range of tasks and duties you need to be doing to prove your skills. This includes using industry‐accepted practices and tools/equipment. Based on the information you provide us, TRA will check that your arrangements provide sufficient opportunity for you to meet the requirements of the program.
Your employer and nominated supervisor as listed in your online application must complete and sign the EVR. The signed EVR must be uploaded in the TRA Online Portal with your JRE application documents.
An EVR plus 3 weeks of pay evidence must also be completed and uploaded in the TRA Online Portal for any additional or new employer submitted (see 3.1.4 Additional employer or change of employer).
Please make sure you are using the most recent version of the Employment Verification Report (EVR) for your nominated occupation. Click on the link to download the form.
3.1.4 Additional employer or change of employer
You cannot exceed 5 employers whilst in the program, and you must complete at least 6 months full-time equivalent paid work with one of your registered employers. This allows you time to develop and prove your skills before your workplace assessment.
If you work with more than one employer/business at the same time, you must register each employer through the TRA Online Portal. If you change employers during the program, you must register the new details through the TRA Online Portal. You do this by selecting ‘Add New Employer’ under the Job Ready Employment link and completing the online form. You must do this within 14 days of commencing your new employment.
There is no JRE application fee payable to register any additional employers for JRE.
You must also upload a completed EVR for any additional or new employer with three weeks of pay evidence.
New employer arrangements will not count toward your JRP participation until they are registered in the TRA Online Portal.
3.1.5 JRE Start Date
Your 'JRE Start Date' is the date you submitted your JRE application through the TRA Online Portal unless it is varied by TRA. Your JRE Start Date may change due to the following:
- approval of a claim for Prior Employment
- the date your decision ready documents were received.
Your JRE Start Date is available from the TRA Online Portal.
3.1.6 Claiming prior employment
You can claim up to three months of unbroken paid employment where the employment was undertaken immediately before applying for the JRE. This can only be claimed at the time of submitting your JRE application online. Eligible prior employment will commence from the date your application is determined by TRA to be ‘decision ready’.
To claim prior employment, you must complete the section of your JRE online application. You must also provide TRA with three weeks of acceptable pay evidence for the period being claimed.
Your pay evidence must include:
- Your most recent payslip or other acceptable pay evidence
- A payslip or other acceptable pay evidence that covers the prior employment claim start date
TRA will review your claim based on the evidence submitted as part of your JRE application.
Prior employment will only be considered where it was:
- undertaken with the first eligible employer you registered for JRE,
- in your nominated occupation,
- undertaken in the three months immediately before your online JRE application,
- current and ongoing on the date you submitted your online JRE application,
- not already used to meet requirements for a PSA skills assessment outcome, and
- for employment arrangements approved by TRA.
A revised JRE Start Date will be added to the Total Approved Hours table in the TRA Online Portal if your employment is approved by TRA. TRA will email you once your claim has been processed.
3.1.7 Employment requirements
To successfully finish the JRP, you must complete a minimum of 12 months of full-time (or equivalent part-time) paid employment with TRA approved employer/s. The 12-month period commences from your JRE Start Date.
The JRP cannot be completed in less than 12 calendar months. Your participation in the JRP is complete once you receive the official JRFA outcome letter confirming your successful outcome. It is important to maintain your employment arrangements until you have received the official JRFA outcome letter.
Full-time means you are working an average of 38 hours per week. Part‐time employment, periods of unemployment and/or extended leave will mean it takes you longer to complete the program. Extended Leave means a period of paid or unpaid leave in excess of 4 weeks i.e. long service leave, leave without pay, parental leave, extended sick leave, or workers compensation.
When you submit your JRE application online you must be employed in the occupation nominated in your application and you must be working with the employer you are registering.
3.1.8 Eligible employment
For your employment to be eligible for JRP, it must:
- be with your current employer when you register the employer online
- involve work at an appropriate skill level and include a range of tasks and duties closely relevant to your nominated occupation
- accord with applicable industrial awards or agreements and Australian workplace relations laws
- be in an employer‐employee arrangement where:
- work is assigned to you by your employer/supervisor and you complete the work under their direction
- you work the number of hours per day/shift as agreed by your employer
- the employer provides you with pay slips
- the employer makes superannuation contributions on your behalf
- you accrue annual leave and/or other leave entitlements
- be registered, verified, and approved by TRA.
3.1.9 Subcontractor work
TRA may consider subcontractor work where your contracting arrangements meet the following requirements:
- your contracting arrangements meet the employment eligibility requirements in section 3.1.8
- you are able to complete at least 6 months full-time equivalent work with a single contractor
- the contractor you work for is willing to sign your EVR and Skills Progress Report.
3.1.10 Verifying employment
TRA will use a range of verification checks to satisfy itself that your employment arrangements are suitable at the time of your application and throughout your participation in the program.
TRA will confirm the workplace you registered in your TRA Online Portal account and named in your EVR is satisfactory. This may include contacting your employer or supervisor to confirm your work arrangements, and if necessary, conducting a site visit.
For your employment to be considered suitable throughout the program, you must ensure:
- it includes tasks and duties at the skill level appropriate for your nominated occupation and qualification
- it provides you with access to an appropriate range of tasks and duties for your nominated occupation
- it provides you with access to industry‐accepted tools and equipment, and an environment in which you can apply and demonstrate your skills
- you are being paid and are provided with acceptable pay evidence.
You are responsible for ensuring your employment allows and continues to allow you to do the tasks and duties for your nominated occupation.
TRA may request additional employment evidence to monitor your participation or if your claims cannot be verified. Additional evidence may include:
- a contract of employment
- an employment letter
- superannuation records
- salary statements
- tax documents (such as tax returns or payment summaries)
- bank statements showing salary deposits.
TRA may seek to independently verify your employment through third parties such as the Australian Tax Office.
Any request for additional evidence will be sent to your registered email with a due date. You must upload all documents required through the TRA Online Portal within the requested timeframe, or your application may be unsuccessful. Please make sure you and your agent closely monitor for emails from TRA.
You must advise TRA of any changes in your employment circumstances within 14 days.
If TRA becomes aware during your time in the program, that your employment circumstances have changed and you have not told us within 14 days, or your employment is not suitable, that period of employment will not be counted.
All employment information provided to TRA must be true and accurate. See section 4.4 of the Guidelines for the consequences of providing false, misleading, non-factual, or incorrect information to support your employment.
3.1.11 Skills Progress Report (SPR)
A Skills Progress Report (SPR) is a self-assessment record of the skills and activities you have undertaken in your workplace.
The purpose of the SPR is to confirm you are developing your skills and experience, using the appropriate tools and equipment, and doing the duties expected for your occupation in an Australian workplace. The SPR must be confirmed and signed by your supervisor or employer nominated for the workplace.
TRA require a SPR when:
- you have worked with the same employer for more than six months since your JRE Start Date
- you are ending your employment with an employer you had previously registered
- we request a SPR.
Completed SPRs must be uploaded through the TRA Online Portal document uploads link in PDF format.
Please ensure you are using the most recent version of the SPR from the TRA website www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/skills-progress-report. Please select the form relevant to your occupation.
Completed EVRs and SPRs will be provided to the TRA-appointed workplace assessor to support the planning of your JRWA. Therefore, it is important that your EVRs and SPRs are an accurate record of the work you undertake in your workplace.
3.1.12 Pay evidence
When requested, you must provide acceptable pay evidence for any employment approved by TRA throughout your participation in the JRP. Your employment evidence helps to monitor your progress and to identify when you may be eligible for the next program step. TRA will email you if we identify any issues with your pay evidence or ongoing employment arrangements.
The table below provides information on the pay evidence accepted by TRA.
Acceptable pay evidence for the Job Ready Program
Employees | Sub‐contractors |
Copies of pay slips showing a minimum of:
OR Copy of payroll printout from the employer showing a minimum of:
PLUS If requested, copies of bank statements showing the deposits for the above pay slips or payroll print out. |
Copies of invoices showing a minimum of:
subcontracting arrangements PLUS Copies of bank statements, which show the deposits for the above invoices. The statements must clearly identify that the deposits are from the other party to the subcontracting arrangements. The relevant deposits should be highlighted, and the corresponding invoice number noted on the statement. |