The JRWA will determine whether you are operating at the required skill level for your occupation in your workplace.
An assessor from a TRA‐approved RTO will conduct your JRWA. They will focus on the activities you have perform in your employment as recorded in your SPR.
You will be invited for your JRWA after you have undertaken a minimum of 6 months full-time employment from your JRE Start Date.
3.2.1 JRWA Eligibility
To be eligible for a JRWA, you must meet the following criteria:
- your employment arrangements have been verified by TRA
- an Employment Confirmation Form has been provided on or after six months full-time equivalent employment from your JRE Start Date
- acceptable SPRs, EVRs and any other relevant information has been provided.
TRA will advise you by email when you are considered eligible to apply for a JRWA.
3.2.2 Assessment arrangements
The workplace assessment normally takes place in the workplace of your current employer. However, if needed, TRA reserves the right to arrange an alternative location or format for the JRWA assessment.
Before your JRWA can proceed, you must have completed at least one (1) month employment with your employer after the date you registered your employer online. This ensures you are familiar with your new workplace and fully prepared for your JRWA. Please refer to section 3.1.4 for information about an additional or new employer.
3.2.3 Assignment of TRA‐approved assessor
When your JRWA application has been received and TRA has confirmed you meet the JRWA criteria, we will send the following to a TRA‐approved RTO:
- contact details for you and your employer/supervisor
- a copy of your SPRs, EVRs and any other relevant information
- a copy of your Australian qualification (from your PSA application)
- a copy of your passport identification page.
To save time in the assessment process, please ensure that all contact details for your employer/supervisor and yourself are current and accurate.
The RTO will allocate an assessor to conduct your workplace assessment. The assessor will:
- contact you and your employer/supervisor to organize a time and date that is suitable to conduct the assessment. They will also confirm the location for the assessment
- discuss with you the work you have done and the tools and equipment that would be available for the assessment
- review the documentation provided by TRA
- prepare an assessment plan detailing what you will be required to do during the assessment.
3.2.4 JRWA process
During a JRWA the assessor will:
- show photographic identification to you and your employer/supervisor to verify their identity
- verify your identity and your employer/supervisor’s identity
- in accordance with the assessment plan, require you to prove that you:
- work safely, perform tasks, follow directions, and plan work at the required skill level relevant for your nominated occupation
- understand the workplace including:
- your role in the workplace
- the language/terminology used in the workplace/industry sector
- relevant Australian Standards, legislation and/or regulations
- solving problems
- asking directions
- working well with others
- using resources safely and effectively.
- understand the workplace including:
The assessment is conducted using a range of methods. These may include a technical interview and observation of your practical skills.
3.2.5 Inability to attend a scheduled JRWA
If you are unable to take part in the assessment at the time you agreed with the assessor, you must notify the assessor immediately. You must also provide TRA with a medical certificate or other evidence explaining why you were unable to attend. If you are unable to contact the assessor, you must notify TRA immediately by calling the TRA enquiry line.
If you do not attend the assessment and cannot provide acceptable evidence, you may be required to pay costs incurred by the assessor on the date of the scheduled assessment.
It is your responsibility to arrange a new assessment date and time with the assessor. The assessor will notify TRA of the new arrangements.
3.2.6 JRWA Outcome
TRA will advise you of the outcome of your JRWA via email. The JRWA outcome will advise if you have been assessed as Job Ready or Not Yet Job Ready for your nominated occupation. If the assessment outcome is Not Yet Job Ready, TRA will provide you feedback prepared by the assessor. This feedback is to help you identify the areas you need to further develop.
If your JRWA outcome is found to have been influenced by false or misleading information, TRA may undertake further investigation and/or immediately revoke the outcome. The result of our investigation may result in a mandatory JRWA reassessment.
See section 4.4 of the Guidelines for information on the consequences of providing false, misleading, non-factual, or incorrect information to support your application.
A successful JRWA assessment will confirm you are Job Ready, which means during the assessment you demonstrated:
- well‐developed job knowledge
- ability to suggest and initiate improvements while being able to deal with routine and complex matters relating to the occupation
- that you were reliable and responsible
- you had a well‐developed ability to work to industry standard, safely, productively and with effective communication.
An unsuccessful JRWA assessment means you are Not Yet Job Ready. This means you were unable to perform the duties required of the nominated occupation for one or more of the following reasons:
- had limited job knowledge
- made frequent errors
- work output was not at industry standards
- had difficulty working safely, dealing with routine matters or communicating appropriately in the occupation
- required close instructions to perform to industry standards.
If the outcome was Not Yet Job Ready, you may request a review of the decision or apply for a subsequent JRWA.
3.2.7 Reviewing a JRWA Not Yet Job Ready outcome
If you disagree with your Not Yet Job Ready outcome, you can request a review by completing a TRA Review Request Form. You are only entitled to one review per assessment.
The review of the JRWA outcome will be completed by a different assessor. They will only consider the evidence gathered during the first assessment. A review does not involve another workplace assessment.
To request a review, email a PDF copy of your completed TRA Review Request Form to jrpenquiries@dewr.gov.au. You have 45 days from the date of the original assessment outcome email to request a review. You are not required to pay a fee for this action.
Once the review is complete, TRA will write to you with the outcome.
3.2.8 Subsequent JRWA
Before applying for your subsequent JRWA, you should address all the feedback provided on the previous assessment. You will need to submit a new SPR and JRWA confirmation form when applying for a subsequent JRWA.
To reapply you will need to log in to the TRA Online Portal with your username and password. Select the JRWA Reapplication link and pay the application fee.
TRA will assign a different TRA‐approved assessor to conduct the assessment.
When the assessment is finalised, TRA will provide the outcome of your JRWA via email. If your subsequent JRWA is unsuccessful, you may need to meet additional eligibility criteria. This may include a further period of three months’ employment before being eligible to apply for another assessment.